Steve Bustin
Diamond Alumni Compere
Our compere is Steve Bustin of Get Your Voice Heard. He is an award-winning speaker, event compere and public speaking coach. As a speech coach he works internationally with business leaders and teams looking to make an impact when speaking on stage or camera and is the host of Speech Club, a monthly event watching and discussing great speeches. As a speaker himself, Steve speaks on a range of business-critical communication topics and also online security after his discovery that he is the face of an online international dating scam.
A former BBC News and national newspaper journalist, Steve is the author of two books. The Authority Guide to Presenting and Public Speaking and The Authority Guide to PR for Small Business. Steve was named National Speaker of the Year in 2015 and is the Immediate Past President of The Professional Speaking Association, the UK trade body for professional speakers.
Website: www.getyourvoiceheard.co.uk
LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/stevebustin/
YouTube: www.youtube.com/stevebustin
Twitter: https://twitter.com/steveinbrighton