Top Tips!
These Top Tips have been gathered from the Judges across the years and can be applied to any Business Awards
1 - Treat the Entry Form like a job application or a tender for business
If you are going to apply for a job or tender for work them you would research the company to understand their values and ethos. Similarly, the job advert or tender document will have a clear indication of what is required so you would set out how you can deliver that. In completing an Award Entry Form, you should look at the values of the judging business and also make sure you respond positively and fully to the questions asked.
Finally, if the Entry Form has a word count on a particular section then make sure you abide by it.
2 - Tell a story & show your passion
Most of us are in business because we want to be doing something and hopefully you have a passion for what you do. Make sure that your Entry Form reflects your story and shows the passion for what you do. That story should entice the judge and make them want to meet you to find out more about what you do, why you do it and why you are the best at what you do.
Don't be shy, show off and mean it!
3 - Support your entry & prove it
These are business awards. That means that what you do must make a commercial difference to your business, your clients, your suppliers and/or the wider region. So, how can you evidence that the content of your Entry Form makes that commercial difference? Support it with data, testimonials, surveys, retention charts or anything else. And please make sure that in your entry you reference where the supporting data is and why: it's not enough to merely attach a jpeg, say why it is attached.
4 - Check everything
And check it again. In our first year we checked and corrected 60% of the entries as there were spelling and grammar mistakes. Make sure your Entry Form is proof read and given a "sense check" by someone who wasn't involved in writing it, particularly if it was written by an outside agency.
The Entry Form is a Word Document and so issues with grammar and spelling will be highlighted.
5 - The Assessment Visit
In most categories the judges will contact you to arrange an assessment visit. I would suggest you ask what they want to see, who they want to meet and how long would they like. That way you can plan the visit and make sure it is conducted in an appropriate environment.
6 - Can you win without you?
Brief everyone in your business that the visit is going to happen and make sure that they are aware of what is expected and that you can match the promise(s) made in the Entry Form on the day. Winners have won purely on the extra point gained by the "right" welcome at reception.
7 - Learn from Feedback
Every Entry will receive feedback and this is an important part of the process as it will allow you to improve on your future entries. So don't get mad, get better!