Apprentice of the Year 2020
The winner of this award will have shown outstanding progress and commitment to their own personal development, and their progression on a recognised learning scheme.
Sponsored by
Community Investment Business of the YearInternational Business of the YearGreen Business of the YearApprentice of the YearThe Award for The Place To MeetEmployer of the YearThe Award for Developing PeopleThe Award for Innovation & TechnologyThe Award for Brighter ThinkingProfessional Services Firm of the YearManufacturing Business of the YearNew Business of the YearGrowth Business of the YearBusiness of the Year (Up to £1m Turnover)Business of the Year (Over £1m Turnover)Business Person of the YearThe Award for Outstanding Contribution to the Gatwick Diamond
Headline sponsors

Control Energy Costs
<p>We are energy and water consultants, providing businesses with bespoke utility management and procurement solutions. With sustainability at the heart of everything we do, we will guide you through renewable energy options and help you engage with employees to drive behavioural changes that will make a positive difference.</p>
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<p>“For many businesses, looking at how you buy and use energy is an entry point or start of a journey to becoming Net Zero. In selecting who should win this award, we will be looking for the business that has worked to embed a culture of behavioural changes within their organisation, changes that will make a positive difference and are relatable to other business that have yet to buy into the idea of Net Zero. Our aim is to help push towards a tipping point where Net Zero becomes a 'must do' rather than 'nice to do' for every business.” Phil Ager, Managing Director.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>

Elekta Ltd
<p>A leader in precision radiation therapy, Elekta is committed to ensuring every patient has access to the best cancer care possible. We collaborate with customers to meet evolving patient needs, improve outcomes and bring hope to those dealing with cancer.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>We appreciate how our partnership with gdb will help to give wider visibility to the importance of making precision radiation therapy broadly available to the millions of people around the world with limited access to cancer care. At Elekta, we don't just build technology, we build hope and are proud that our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Crawley has made a linear accelerator for almost every country in the world. We value our role within the gdb community and believe in the importance of developing innovation, collaborative working and taking a proactive approach to our practices which blends with the ethos of the gdb.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>

Extech Cloud

First Central

Flexibility Matters
<p>As a recruitment consultancy dedicated to flexible working, we ensure that once a business adopts flexible working, it naturally becomes central to their recruitment strategy. Our approach to recruitment is totally people focussed. We match the right candidate with the right business, we get to know both client and candidate, forming long term relationships.</p>
<p> </p>
<p>Flexibility Matters is proud to partner with GBD Business Awards and sponsor the Best Practice in Flexible and Hybrid Working Award. Flexible and hybrid working is the ethos which drives the team at Flexibility Matters as we believe that flexible working will become the new norm as more businesses come to see the benefits.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><a href="" target="_blank" rel="noopener"></a></p>