Manufacturing Business of the Year 2025
The Gatwick Diamond is one of the strongest regional economies within the UK. It has key sector strengths in manufacturing, with companies that are thriving, innovating and competing locally and globally. The sector confronts many challenges, particularly within a rapidly changing and increasingly uncertain economy, but continues to remain competitive, sustainable and future-focused. These businesses are championed in the Manufacturing Business of the Year Award for bringing wealth-creating, job-generating success to the region

Elekta LtdA leader in precision radiation therapy, Elekta is committed to ensuring every patient has access to the best cancer care possible. We collaborate with customers to meet evolving patient needs, improve outcomes and bring hope to those dealing with cancer.
We appreciate how our partnership with gdb will help to give wider visibility to the importance of making precision radiation therapy broadly available to the millions of people around the world with limited access to cancer care. At Elekta, we don't just build technology, we build hope and are proud that our state-of-the-art manufacturing facility in Crawley has made a linear accelerator for almost every country in the world. We value our role within the gdb community and believe in the importance of developing innovation, collaborative working and taking a proactive approach to our practices which blends with the ethos of the gdb.

Chess Dynamics
The English Soap Company